National Association of Extradition Officials

National Association of Extradition Officials

NAEO 2025 Annual Conference Invitation & Registration (fillable form)


NAEO 2025 Annual Conference Sunriver Resort – Reservations – Room Availability


Please ensure Group Code 2J144D is applied at checkout to receive the group rate

NAEO 2025 Annual Conference Scholarship Information


The National Association of Extradition Officials is a non-profit corporation formed and operating to organize, educate, train and support extradition officials in the respective states; to exchange information; to develop effective practices, procedures, and policies related to interstate and international rendition; and to enable such officials to become personally acquainted, thus promoting cooperation in securing uniformity in the adoption and interpretation of laws and procedures related to interstate and international rendition.

The publications, articles, and material contained herein or otherwise distributed at the annual conferences are the exclusive property of the National Association of Extradition Officials and/or the individual authors, and may not be copied, distributed, sold, or otherwise used without permission of the Association or individual author. Permission for reprinting and distribution of any material to law enforcement personnel or correctional officials may be granted upon written request to the Executive Secretary/Treasurer of the Association.